
For Eternal Beginners

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अथ व्यवस्थितान् दृष्ट्वा धार्तराष्ट्रान् कपिध्वजः ।
प्रवृत्ते शस्त्र संपाते धनुरुद्यम्य पांडवः ॥ २० ॥
हृषीकेशम् तदा वाक्यम् इदम् आह महीपते ।

atha vyavasthitAn dRSTvA dhArtarASTrAn kapidhvajaH |
pravRtte zastra saMpAte dhanurudyamya pAMDavaH || 20 ||
hRSIkezam tadA vAkyam idam Aha mahIpate |

अथ [atha] Next, महीपते [mahIpate] my King, प्रवृत्ते शस्त्र संपाते [pravRtte zastra saMpAte] it was time to start wielding weapons. पांडवः [pAMDavaH] Arjuna, कपिध्वजः [kapidhvajaH] with Hanuman on his flag, दृष्ट्वा [dRSTvA] saw धार्तराष्ट्रान् [dhArtarASTrAn] the clan of Dhrtarashtra व्यवस्थितान् [vyavasthitAn] present there. तदा धनुरुद्यम्य [tadA dhanurudyamya] Then he lifted his bow आह इदम् [Aha idam] and said this हृषीकेशम् [hRSIkezam] to Krishna –

सेनयोरुभ्योः मध्ये रथम् स्थापय मे अच्युत ॥ २१ ॥
यावत् एतान् निरीक्षे अहम् योद्धुकामान् अवस्थितान् ।
कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यम् अस्मिन् रन समुद्यमे ॥ २२ ॥
योत्स्यमानान् अवेक्षेऽहम् य एते अत्र समागताः ।
धार्तराष्ट्रस्य दुर्बुद्धेः युद्धे प्रिय चिकीर्षवः ॥ २३ ॥

senayorubhyoH madhye ratham sthApaya me acyuta || 21 ||
yAvat etAn nirIkSe aham yoddhukAmAn avasthitAn |
kairmayA saha yoddhavyam asmin rana samudyame || 22 ||
yotsyamAnAn avekSe'ham ya ete atra samAgatAH |
dhArtarASTrasya durbuddheH yuddhe priya cikIrSavaH || 23 ||

अच्युत [acyuta] Krishna, स्थापय [sthApaya] park मे रथम् [me ratham] my chariot मध्ये सेनयोः उभयोः [madhye senayoH ubhayoH] between the two armies यावत् [yAvat] so that अहम् निरीक्षे [aham nirIkSe] I can see योद्धुकामान् अवस्थितान् [yoddhukAmAn avasthitAn] those who have assembled to fight - कैर्मया सह योद्धव्यम् [kairmayA saha yoddhavyam] those whom I must confront अस्मिन् रन समुद्यमे [asmin rana samudyame] in this war. अहम् अवेक्षे [aham avekSe] I shall see एते योत्स्यमानान् [ete yotsyamAnAn] those warriors य अत्र समागताः [ya atra samAgatAH] who have come here प्रिय चिकीर्षवः [priya cikIrSavaH] as the inspiration दुर्बुद्धेः धार्तराष्ट्रस्य [durbuddheH dhArtarASTrasya] for the evil sons of Dhrtarashtra युद्धे [yuddhe] in war.

Arjuna was on the chariot and had Anjaneya, the one who burnt Lanka, on his flag. Seeing the Kauravas assembled with the intent of war, he wanted to see them in their true strength. ‘Park my chariot at such a position that I can see them’ he told Krishna, his charioteer.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re asking for. Be in this conversation. Keep enquiring.

Krishna has the six qualities of knowledge, strength, force, wealth, valor and radiance. By His mere will, He can cause the creation, sustenance and destruction of whole worlds. He controls everyone in all ways, both from inside and out. He is invariably affectionate towards people who have taken refuge in Him. He was Arjuna’s charioteer.