
For Eternal Beginners

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तेषाम् एव अनुकम्पार्थम् अहम् अज्ञानजम् तमः ।
नाशयामि आत्मभावस्थो ज्ञान दीपेन भास्वता ॥ ११ ॥

teSAm eva anukampArtham aham ajJAnajam tamaH |
nAzayAmi AtmabhAvastho jJAna dIpena bhAsvatA || 11 ||

अनुकम्पार्थम् [anukampArtham] Due to compassion तेषाम् एव [teSAm eva] towards those very people, अहम् [aham] I आत्मभावस्थः [AtmabhAvasthaH] stand as the subject of their thoughts, नाश्यामि [nAzyAmi] destroying अज्ञानजम् तमः [ajJAnajam tamaH] the darkness of ignorance भास्वता [bhAsvatA] with the bright ज्ञान दीपेन [jJAna dIpena] light of knowledge.

For the benefit of these very people, who desire to be united with Me always, I stand as the subject of their thoughts. Standing in this way, I reveal My own favorable qualities and destroy darkness with the bright light of knowledge.

Here, ‘darkness’ is the tendency to shift attention towards material things, avoiding Me. This tendency stifles knowledge. It is born out of ignorance grown with past deeds. The ‘bright light of knowledge’ is My awareness, which gets rid of that tendency.

In this way, Arjuna listened to the expanse of the Lord’s wealth and the variety of His favorable qualities. These qualities are unique to the Lord. They are in a different league altogether. Listening to them generates limitless joy. Having listened to them till now, Arjuna desires to know their complete expanse and says-