
For Eternal Beginners

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सर्वम् एतत् ऋतम् मन्ये यत् माम् वदसि केशव ।
न हि ते भगवन् व्यक्तिम् विदुः देवा न दानवाः ॥ १४ ॥

sarvam etat Rtam manye yat mAm vadasi kezava |
na hi te bhagavan vyaktim viduH devA na dAnavAH || 14 ||

केशव [kezava] Krishna, मन्ये [manye] I consider सर्वम् एतत् [sarvam etat] all this ऋतम् [Rtam] as the truth- यत् माम् वदसि [yat mAm vadasi] everything You tell me. बगवान् [bagavAn] O Lord, न हि [na hi] indeed, nobody विदुः [viduH] knows ते व्यक्तिम् [te vyaktim] your personality - न देवाः [na devAH] neither virtuous people दानवाः [dAnavAH] nor the vile.

From the description You give me about Your unbroken expanse of wealth and infinite favorable qualities, I got to know that they are Yours by nature, not characteristic of anyone else. I consider that to be a statement of fact, describing things exactly as they are. It was not an opinion of flattery.

Lord, You are the abode of infinite knowledge, power, strength, wealth, valor and brilliance. People of limited knowledge, whether virtuous or vicious alike, do not understand Your personality - they cannot grasp You in their minds.