
For Eternal Beginners

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वेदानाम् सामवेदोऽस्मि देवानाम् अस्मि वासवः ।
इन्द्रियाणाम् मनश्च अस्मि भूतानाम् अस्मि चेतना ॥ २२ ॥

vedAnAm sAmavedo'smi devAnAm asmi vAsavaH |
indriyANAm manazca asmi bhUtAnAm asmi cetanA || 22 ||

वेदानाम् [vedAnAm] Among the Vedas, सामवेदः अस्मि [sAmavedaH asmi] I am the Sama Veda. देवानाम् [devAnAm] Among the gods , वासवः अस्मि [vAsavaH asmi] I am their Lord. इन्द्रियाणाम् [indriyANAm] Among our sense organs, मनः अस्मि [manaH asmi] I am the mind [ca] and चेतना अस्मि [cetanA asmi] I am consciousness भूतानाम् [bhUtAnAm] in all beings.

Among the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana Veda, I am the Sama Veda, which is the best of the Vedas. Among the gods , I am their Lord.

Among the eleven organs of the body, I am the organ of thought, which is the most important.

The eleven organs- five sense organs, five organs of action and the brain, which is the organ of thought.

Even over here, the word ‘among’ is not meant to differentiate the Lord among similar things. Rather, it is used to express how He stands out in the midst of other things and how He is at the core of everything.

Further, the Lord says - Among the conscious beings that can think and comprehend things, I am the ability of thought and comprehension.