For Eternal Beginners
पुरोधसाम् च मुख्यम् माम् विद्धि पार्थ बृहस्पतिम् ।
सेनानीनाम् अहम् स्कन्दः सरसाम् अस्मि सागरः ॥ २४ ॥
purodhasAm ca mukhyam mAm viddhi pArtha bRhaspatim |
senAnInAm aham skandaH sarasAm asmi sAgaraH || 24 ||
Arjuna, पुरोधसाम् च मुख्यम्
[purodhasAm ca mukhyam]
among the chief priests and highly valued advisors, माम् विद्धि
[mAm viddhi]
know Me बृहस्पतिम्
to be Brihaspati, the master of all great people. सेनानीनाम्
Among the commanders of armies, अहम् स्कन्दः
[aham skandaH]
I am Skanda, the leader who is supreme in attack. सरसाम्
To all water bodies, अस्मि सागरः
[asmi sAgaraH]
I am the inexhaustible ocean.
The Lord says - ‘To the great advisors of great leaders, I am the greatest advisor, the master, known as Brihaspati.
To the commanders of armies, I am their leader who is supreme in attack, called Skanda.
To all water bodies, I am the inexhaustible ocean’.