
For Eternal Beginners

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महर्षीणाम् भृगुरहम् गिराम् अस्मि एकम् अक्षरम् ।
यज्ञानाम् जप यज्ञोऽस्मि स्थावराणाम् हिमालयः ॥ २५ ॥

maharSINAm bhRguraham girAm asmi ekam akSaram |
yajJAnAm japa yajJo'smi sthAvarANAm himAlayaH || 25 ||

महर्षीणाम् [maharSINAm] Among the great sages, भृगुः अहम् [bhRguH aham] I am Bhrgu. गिराम् [girAm] Among all speech, एकम् अक्षरम् अस्मि [ekam akSaram asmi] I am the first sound. यज्ञानाम् [yajJAnAm] Among the various forms of worship, जप यज्ञः अस्मि [japa yajJaH asmi] I am the worship that takes the form of a prayer. स्थावराणाम् [sthAvarANAm] Among the immovable mountains, हिमालयः [himAlayaH] I am the Himalaya.

Among the great sages who perform rituals to bring about excellence, I am Bhrgu, the one who started such rituals.

Speech is sound endowed with meaning. Among all speech, I am the sound of Om, the first sound.

Among all forms of worship, I am the worship that takes the form of a prayer - A prayer done by repeating the names of the Lord and praising Him. This is the simplest form of worship that does not cause harm to any being.

Among all the immovable mountains, I am the mighty Himalaya.