For Eternal Beginners
अक्षराणाम् अकारोऽस्मि द्वन्द्वः सामासिकस्य च ।
अहम् एव अक्षयः कालो धाताहम् विश्वतो मुखः ॥ ३३ ॥
akSarANAm akAro'smi dvandvaH sAmAsikasya ca |
aham eva akSayaH kAlo dhAtAham vizvato mukhaH || 33 ||
In alphabets, अकारः अस्मि
[akAraH asmi]
I am the primary element, the phonetic ‘a’. सामासिकस्य
Among the various methods of combining words, द्वन्द्वः
I am the dvandva. अहम् एव
[aham eva]
I alone am अक्षयः कालः
[akSayaH kAlaH]
the time that never wanes. धाता अहम्
[dhAtA aham]
I am the One who brought about all creation, विश्वतः मुखः
[vizvataH mukhaH]
having four heads, looking over all of My creation.
In alphabets, the phonetic ‘a’ is inside all speech, as said in the scriptures. I am this sound ‘a’, which is the basis for all sounds.
Among the various ways of combining words, I am the ‘dvandva’ variety. It’s the only one that joins two words while enhancing the prominence of both of them - that is the specialty of dvandva.
I am the time that never wanes, having an endless sequence of appointments and happenings.
I am Hiranyagarbha, the four-faced engineer of the Universe who executed all of creation.