
For Eternal Beginners

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मृत्युः सर्वहरः चाहम् उद्भवः च भविष्यताम् ।
कीर्तिः श्रीः वाकश्च नारीणाम् स्मृतिर्मेधा धृतिः क्षमा ॥ ३४ ॥

mRtyuH sarvaharaH cAham udbhavaH ca bhaviSyatAm |
kIrtiH zrIH vAkazca nArINAm smRtirmedhA dhRtiH kSamA || 34 ||

अहम् मृत्युः [aham mRtyuH] I am the termination सर्वहरः [sarvaharaH] that takes away everything. उद्भवः अहम् [udbhavaH aham] I am the act of creation भविष्यताम् [bhaviSyatAm] to things which will be created. नारीणाम् [nArINAm] Among ladies, श्रीः [zrIH] I am Lakshmi कीर्तिः च [kIrtiH ca] and that which is called as luster. वाकः [vAkaH] I am speech. स्मृतिः [smRtiH] I am memory-recall, मेधा [medhA] I am talent, धृतिः [dhRtiH] courage and resolve. क्षमा [kSamA] I am forgiveness .

The Lord says - ‘I am the death that takes away every life. To those who are going to be created, I am the act of creation.

I am Lakshmi. I am the luster in ladies.

I am the recollection of memory and speech; I am talent, courage and resolve. I am forgiveness ’.