
For Eternal Beginners

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बृहत्साम तथा साम्नाम् गायत्री छन्दसाम् अहम् ।
मासानाम् मार्गशीर्षोऽहम् ऋतूनाम् कुसुमाकरः ॥ ३५ ॥

bRhatsAma tathA sAmnAm gAyatrI chandasAm aham |
mAsAnAm mArgazIrSo'ham RtUnAm kusumAkaraH || 35 ||

साम्नाम् [sAmnAm] Among calming and gentle tunes, बृहत्साम [bRhatsAma] I am the one that spans all of thought and speech. छन्दसाम् [chandasAm] Among the poetical metres, गायत्री अहम् [gAyatrI aham] I am the Gayatri. मासानाम् [mAsAnAm] Among the months, अहम् मार्गशीर्षः [aham mArgazIrSaH] I am Margashirsha, when the rain-bearing clouds give way to pleasant and prosperous times. ऋतूनाम् [RtUnAm] Among the seasons, कुसुमाकरः [kusumAkaraH] I am the spring-time, the season when flowers bloom and all beings are comforted.

I am the best of all calming and gentle tunes.

Among poetical metres, I am Gayatri, considered the mother of all metres.

I am spring-time, the season when flowers bloom and all beings are comforted.