
For Eternal Beginners

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द्यूतम् छलयताम् अस्मि तेजः तेजस्विनाम् अहम् ।
जयोस्मि व्यवसायोऽस्मि सत्त्वम् सत्त्ववताम् अहम् ॥ ३६ ॥

dyUtam chalayatAm asmi tejaH tejasvinAm aham |
jayosmi vyavasAyo'smi sattvam sattvavatAm aham || 36 ||

छलयताम् [chalayatAm] Among people who intend to deceive, द्यूतम् अस्मि [dyUtam asmi] I am gambling. तेजस्विनाम् [tejasvinAm] To the brilliant, तेजः अहम् [tejaH aham] I am brilliance. जयः अस्मि [jayaH asmi] I am victory. व्यवसायः अस्मि [vyavasAyaH asmi] I am determination and perseverance. सत्त्ववताम् [sattvavatAm] To people who are endowed with wisdom and virtue, अहम् सत्त्वम् [aham sattvam] I am the wisdom and the virtue.

Among deceptive people who use pretense and inconsistency, I am gambling. I take various forms, for instance a game of dice.

To those who win, I am victory.

To those who persevere with determination, I am perseverance and determination.

To those who are endowed with wisdom and virtue, I am the wisdom and the virtue - I am broad-mindedness in its greatest form.