
For Eternal Beginners

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वृष्णीनाम् वासुदेवोऽस्मि पान्डवानाम् धनन्जयः ।
मुनीनाम् अप्यहम् व्यासः कवीनाम् उशना कविः ॥ ३७ ॥

vRSNInAm vAsudevo'smi pAnDavAnAm dhananjayaH |
munInAm apyaham vyAsaH kavInAm uzanA kaviH || 37 ||

वृष्णीनाम् [vRSNInAm] Among the mighty and passionate, वासुदेवः अस्मि [vAsudevaH asmi] I am Krishna, the son of Vasudeva. पांडवानाम् [pAMDavAnAm] Among the Pandava, धनन्जयः [dhananjayaH] I am Arjuna, who carries the bow. मुनीनाम् [munInAm] Among those who have realized the Self through knowledge and meditation, अहम् व्यासः [aham vyAsaH] I am Vedavyasa. कवीनाम् [kavInAm] Among teachers of strategy, उशना कविः [uzanA kaviH] I am Shukracharya.

The Lord refers to Himself as the son of Vasudeva over here to signify his incarnation.

He says ‘Among the Pandava, I am Arjuna, who wields the bow. Among those who have realized the Self through knowledge and meditation, I am Vedavyasa. Among those who use knowledge to teach strategy, I am Shukracharya, who teaches great strategies.’