
For Eternal Beginners

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यत् चापि सर्व भूतानाम् बीजम् तदहम् अर्जुन ।
न तदस्ति विना यत् स्यात् मया भूतम् चराचरम् ॥ ३९ ॥

yat cApi sarva bhUtAnAm bIjam tadaham arjuna |
na tadasti vinA yat syAt mayA bhUtam carAcaram || 39 ||

अर्जुन [arjuna] Arjuna, यत् चापि [yat cApi] whatever बीजम् [bIjam] is the source सर्व बूतानाम् [sarva bUtAnAm] of all beings, तत् अहम् [tat aham] I am that. तत् न अस्ति [tat na asti] It is impossible चराचरम् भूतम् [carAcaram bhUtam] for any being, moving or stationary, यत् स्यात् [yat syAt] to exist मया विना [mayA vinA] without Me.

There is a huge variety of beings in this world. They exist in various different states. Whatever is the cause of these states of existence - whether seen or unseen - that is Me. It is impossible for anything to ‘be’, without Me being present as its Self.

The Lord started on this fact in 10-20, where He stated- ‘I am situated in all beings at their core as the Self’. He continued up until this Shloka, in which He says that it’s impossible for anything to exist without Him.

The Lord illustrated that He resides in everyone as the ultimate Self.

All types of things in all states of existence have the Lord in their essence - He is the One we speak of, when we call anything by a name. In this way, the Lord announces the fact that ‘He is present as the Self in everything’. That is how He is the basis for everything in the universe, He has simultaneous equivalence to everything and all words address Him.