
For Eternal Beginners

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यद्यद् विभूतिमत् सत्त्वम् श्रीमत् ऊर्जितम् एव वा ।
तत्तद् एवागच्छ त्वम् मम तेजोऽम्श सम्भवम् ॥ ४१ ॥

yadyad vibhUtimat sattvam zrImat Urjitam eva vA |
tattad evAgaccha tvam mama tejo'mza sambhavam || 41 ||

यत् यत् [yat yat] What ever श्रीमत् [zrImat] is endowed with brilliance ऊर्जितम् एव व [Urjitam eva va] or endowed with excellence - आगच्छ त्वम् [Agaccha tvam] realize that तत् तत् सत्त्वम् [tat tat sattvam] every such entity विभूतिमत् [vibhUtimat] is under My control. सम्भवम् [sambhavam] It has taken birth from अम्श [amza] a piece of मम [mama] My तेजः [tejaH] brilliance.

The phrase ‘what ever is under My control’ would simply include all types of beings. They are all endowed with My control. Those which are brilliant, lovely, prosperous, or are reputed to start successful ventures: know that they arise from a piece of My brilliance. This ‘brilliance’ is the ability to overpower everything else.

Meaning, this specialty arises from a part of the Lord’s ability to control everything, which is a part of His unthinkable might.