For Eternal Beginners
अथवा बहुनैतेन किम् ज्ञातेन तवार्जुन ।
विष्टभ्याहम् इदम् कृत्स्नम् एकाम्शेन स्थितो जगत् ॥ ४२ ॥
athavA bahunaitena kim jJAtena tavArjuna |
viSTabhyAham idam kRtsnam ekAmzena sthito jagat || 42 ||
Arjuna, किम्
what’s बहुना
further elaboration एतेन ज्ञानेन
[etena jJAnena]
of this knowledge तव
to you? अहम्
I विष्टभ्य
support and control इदम्
this कृत्स्नम् जगत्
[kRtsnam jagat]
entire universe, एकाम्शेन स्थितः
[ekAmzena sthitaH]
which is situated in one part of My being.
What’s the need to elaborate this knowledge I speak about? With a miniscule portion of My unbounded control, I pervade everything. Accordingly, the entire universe does not step outside My will - including everything in it, conscious and non-conscious.
I pervade them in every state - in the state of being a raw material or a finished product, being perceptible or imperceptible, in all their different forms, in steadfastness and in action to change.
As stated in
विश्णु पुराण
[vizNu purANa]
, 1-9-53
by Parashara: One characteristic of the Lord is the ability to control without boundaries. One part of this unbounded control - the part is also unbounded - has the ability to pervade and control the entire universe inside it.