
For Eternal Beginners

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महर्षयः सप्त पूर्वे चत्वारो मनवस्तथा ।
मद्भावा मानसा जाताः येषाम् लोके इमाः प्रजाः ॥ ६ ॥

maharSayaH sapta pUrve catvAro manavastathA |
madbhAvA mAnasA jAtAH yeSAm loke imAH prajAH || 6 ||

सप्त महर्षयः [sapta maharSayaH] The seven great sages, पूर्वे [pUrve] our ancestors मानसा जाताः [mAnasA jAtAH] born of Brahma, तथा [tathA] along with चत्वारो मनवः [catvAro manavaH] the four Manus मद्भावाः [madbhAvAH] are an expression of My will. इमाः प्रजाः [imAH prajAH] All these descendants येषाम् [yeSAm] from them लोके [loke] live in this world.

Our ancestors, the seven great sages, including Bhrgu came into being from an idea of Brahma, the principal engineer of the universe. Their purpose was to keep the act of creation going. They ensured continuity from the previous manvantara to this one.

To sustain the world, four Manus came into being. Their progeny now fills this world.

Till the time of destruction, they play their part as producers and caregivers to the next wave of conscious beings.

The Lord states- Sages such as Bhrgu and the Manus are an expression of My will. My intent itself is their intent. They exist according to My policies. They follow My intentions.