
For Eternal Beginners

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एताम् विभूतिम् योगम् च मम यो वेत्ति तत्त्वतः ।
सः अविकम्प्येन योगेन युज्यते नात्र सम्शयः ॥ ७ ॥

etAm vibhUtim yogam ca mama yo vetti tattvataH |
saH avikampyena yogena yujyate nAtra samzayaH || 7 ||

यः वेत्ति [yaH vetti] The person who knows एताम् मम विभूतिम् [etAm mama vibhUtim] this expanse of My unlimited power च योगम् [ca yogam] and My associations - सः [saH] such a person युज्यते [yujyate] sets to work and performs अविकम्प्येन [avikampyena] with unwavering योगेन [yogena] focus and discipline. न अत्र सम्शयः [na atra samzayaH] Let there be no doubt about this.

The Lord gifts His awareness to those who want Him.

The expanse of the Lord’s unlimited power is such that the creation, state-of-being and the very existence of everything is subject to His will.

He says- ‘A person perseveres with unwavering, focused devotion when he knows My associations in their true form – I associate with great favorable qualities, I destroy all that’s unfavorable. Let there be no doubt in this matter’.

He goes on to state- ‘You will see for yourself- when you are aware of My powers and the vast expanse of My favorable qualities, your devotion to Me is enhanced’ - that is the opinion expressed here.

Next, the Lord illustrates a state of devotion . We enter this state when the awareness about His qualities attains maturity.