
For Eternal Beginners

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अहम् सर्वस्य प्रभवो मत्तः सर्वम् प्रवर्तते ।
इति मत्वा भजन्ते माम् बुधा भाव समन्विताः ॥ ८ ॥

aham sarvasya prabhavo mattaH sarvam pravartate |
iti matvA bhajante mAm budhA bhAva samanvitAH || 8 ||

बुधाः [budhAH] People with this awareness माम् भजन्ते [mAm bhajante] worship Me इति मत्वा [iti matvA] with the conviction that अहम् प्रभवः [aham prabhavaH] I am the origin सर्वस्य [sarvasya] of everything; सर्वम् [sarvam] that every entity प्रवर्तते [pravartate] gets stimulated मत्तः [mattaH] with the initiative given by Me. भाव समन्विताः [bhAva samanvitAH] These people are filled with feelings of adoration for Me.

The Lord says - ‘I am the cause of creation of this whole world with its great variety of different beings, both conscious and non-conscious.

Those who know will recognize that every being initiates activity with My stimulation. They have conviction that I have this unlimited power by My very nature; that I have abundant favorable qualities such as affection, beauty and an equitable outlook towards everyone.

They are filled with feelings of adoration towards Me. They worship Me as the One with all favorable qualities. This feeling is a special state of mind - it makes them worship Me with yearning.

How do they worship the Lord? That is described next -