
For Eternal Beginners

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मच्चित्ता मद्गत प्राणाः बोधयन्तः परस्परम् ।
कथयन्तः च माम् नित्यम् तुष्यन्ति च रमन्ति च ॥ ९ ॥

maccittA madgata prANAH bodhayantaH parasparam |
kathayantaH ca mAm nityam tuSyanti ca ramanti ca || 9 ||

मच्चित्ताः [maccittAH] With their awareness dedicated to Me, मद्गत प्राणाः [madgata prANAH] their life runs with Me as the basis. बोधयन्तः [bodhayantaH] They share awareness about Me परस्परम् [parasparam] among one another. कथयन्तः च [kathayantaH ca] Then they describe माम् [mAm] Me नित्यम् [nityam] at all times. तुष्यन्ति च [tuSyanti ca] They enjoy it रमन्ति च [ramanti ca] and take pleasure in listening.

The Lord describes the characteristics of their worship with the phrase: ‘their awareness is dedicated to Me’ - meaning, their mind is placed in The Lord; ‘Their life runs with Me as the basis’ – meaning, they are unable to sustain themselves without The Lord.

He continues- They experience My qualities in their own ways. They share awareness about such qualities among their friends. They describe My divine and delightful work.

They share, enjoy My description and take pleasure in it, without any other motive. Listeners take uninterrupted and unbound pleasure from this listening, being with deep adoration for Me.