
For Eternal Beginners

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ततः स विस्मयाविष्टो हृष्ट रोमा धनन्जयः ।
प्रणम्य शिरसा देवम् कृतान्जलिः अभाषत ॥ १४ ॥

tataH sa vismayAviSTo hRSTa romA dhananjayaH |
praNamya zirasA devam kRtAnjaliH abhASata || 14 ||

ततः [tataH] With that, धनन्जयः [dhananjayaH] Arjuna विस्मयाविष्टो [vismayAviSTo] was filled with wonder. हृष्ट रोमा [hRSTa romA] With his hairs standing in delight, शिरसा प्र्णम्य देवम् [zirasA prNamya devam] he saluted the Lord by prostrating. सः अभाषत [saH abhASata] Arjuna spoke कृतान्जलिः [kRtAnjaliH] with folded hands.

Then, having seen the entire wonderful universe contained in a small part of the Lord’s body, having seen the Lord who sets everything into activity, who is the abode of astonishing boundless-ness, knowledge and all favorable qualities, Arjuna was filled with wonder.

With his hairs standing in delight, Arjuna prostrated headlong, as a stick would fall to the ground. He spoke with folded hands -