For Eternal Beginners
अर्जुन उवाच -
पश्यामि देवान् तव देव देहे
सर्वान् तथा भूत विशेष सङ्घान् ।
ब्रह्माणम् ईशम् कमलासनस्थम्
ऋषीन् च सर्वान् उरगान् च दिव्यान् ॥ १५ ॥
arjuna uvAca -
pazyAmi devAn tava deva dehe
sarvAn tathA bhUta vizeSa saGghAn |
brahmANam Izam kamalAsanastham
RSIn ca sarvAn uragAn ca divyAn || 15 ||
अर्जुन उवाच
[arjuna uvAca]
Arjuna said - देव
Lord, पश्यामि
I see देवान्
gods तव देहे
[tava dehe]
in Your body, तथा
also सङ्गान्
the whole lot of भूत विशेष
[bhUta vizeSa]
beings in their variety, ब्रह्माणम्
Brahma the principal engineer of the universe, कमलासनस्थम् ईशम्
[kamalAsanastham Izam]
Lord Eshwara seated in the lotus posture, ऋषीन् च सर्वान्
[RSIn ca sarvAn]
even the entire set of sages उरगान् च दिव्यान्
[uragAn ca divyAn]
and the divine serpents.
Arjuna tells Krishna - Lord, I see all the gods in Your body; Also, I see the whole lot of beings in all their variety, along with Brahma, the principal engineer of the universe.
I see Eshwara in lotus pose, situated in his work, this universe. I see all prominent sages of extraordinary wisdom and the brilliant serpents Vasuki and Takshaka.