For Eternal Beginners
एवम् एतत् यथा आत्थ त्वम् आत्मानम् परमेश्वर ।
द्रष्टुम् इच्छामि ते रूपम् ऐश्वरम् पुरुषोत्तम ॥ ३ ॥
evam etat yathA Attha tvam AtmAnam paramezvara |
draSTum icchAmi te rUpam aizvaram puruSottama || 3 ||
O Lord of everything, यथा
The way in which त्वम् आत्थ
[tvam Attha]
You described आत्मानम्
Yourself एवम् एतत्
[evam etat]
is a statement of fact. पुरुषोत्तम
O Best Among Men, इच्छामि
I would like to द्रष्टुम्
see ते रूपम्
[te rUpam]
Your form ऐश्वरम्
with Your supreme
, Your ability to pervade and control everything.
You are the ultimate Lord. The way You described Yourself - I firmly believe that it is a statement of fact, ‘told as it is’.
You are the Best Among Men, an ocean of affection towards people who have taken refuge in You. I would like to see and fully realize Your supreme might , Your unique character of having lordship over the whole universe, the way in which You protect it, create and destroy it, support and nourish it.
I desire to see Your form having all favorable qualities, ultimate in its supremacy and beauty. It is unlike anything other than Yourself.