
For Eternal Beginners

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द्रोणम् च भीष्मम् च जयद्रथम् च
कर्णम् तथाऽन्यान् अपि योध वीरान् ।
मया हतान् त्वम् जहि मा व्यथिष्ठाः
युध्यस्व जेतासि रणे सपत्नान् ॥ ३४ ॥

droNam ca bhISmam ca jayadratham ca
karNam tathA'nyAn api yodha vIrAn |
mayA hatAn tvam jahi mA vyathiSThAH
yudhyasva jetAsi raNe sapatnAn || 34 ||

त्वम् जहि [tvam jahi] You win your battles over द्रोणम् [droNam] Drona, भीष्मम् [bhISmam] Bhishma, जयद्रथम् [jayadratham] Jayadratha, कर्णम् [karNam] Karna तथा अन्यान् [tathA anyAn] and other योध वीरान् अपि [yodha vIrAn api] valiant heroes as well. मया हतान् [mayA hatAn] All of them have already been killed by Me. मा व्यथिष्ठाः [mA vyathiSThAH] Do not waver. युध्यस्व [yudhyasva] Fight, जेतासि [jetAsi] you will win over सपत्नान् [sapatnAn] your enemies रणे [raNe] in war.

The Lord continues- All those who committed offence have been destined by Me to die. They include Drona, Bhishma and Karna. You win against them - kill them in war.

Do not waver and hesitate while fighting, thinking that you would kill your teachers, relatives and others. They are intent on enjoying this kingdom too.

Do not waver due to fear of doing right or wrong, due to attachment towards your relatives or due to sympathy. That’s because those who committed offence have already been destined by Me to be killed by you.

Hence, fight without any doubt or hesitation. In war, you will win over your enemies. There is not even a scent of malice in their destruction. You will definitely experience victory.