
For Eternal Beginners

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किरीटिनम् गदिनम् चक्र हस्तम्
इच्छामि त्वाम् द्रष्टुम् अहम् तथैव ।
तेनैव रूपेण चतुर्भुजेन
सहस्र बाहो भव विश्व मूर्ते ॥ ४६ ॥

kirITinam gadinam cakra hastam
icchAmi tvAm draSTum aham tathaiva |
tenaiva rUpeNa caturbhujena
sahasra bAho bhava vizva mUrte || 46 ||

अहम् द्रष्टुम् इच्छामि [aham draSTum icchAmi] I desire to see You तथैव [tathaiva] in the same way - किरीतिनम् [kirItinam] with a crown, गदिनम् [gadinam] a mace, चक्र हस्तम् [cakra hastam] with the disc in Your hand, सहस्र बाहो [sahasra bAho] O One with a thousand arms. विश्व मूर्ते [vizva mUrte] O Lord who has the universe as the body , भव [bhava] be तेनैव रूपेण [tenaiva rUpeNa] with that form, चतुर्भुजेन [caturbhujena] which has four arms

We only need to request the Lord to step out of a terrible experience.

Lord, I desire to see You in the way You showed Yourself before, with Your crown, mace, with the disc in Your hand. Hence, be with that same previous appearance, with Your four arms, O Lord with a thousand arms and the universe as Your body.

Instead of the form where You show Your thousand arms and the universe as Your body, show me the previous form.