
For Eternal Beginners

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श्री भगवान् उवाच -
सु दुर्दर्शम् इदम् रूपम् दृष्टवान् असि यत् मम ।
देवा अपि अस्य रूपस्य नित्यम् दर्शन काङ्क्षिणः ॥ ५२ ॥

zrI bhagavAn uvAca -
su durdarzam idam rUpam dRSTavAn asi yat mama |
devA api asya rUpasya nityam darzana kAGkSiNaH || 52 ||

श्री भगवान् उवाच [zrI bhagavAn uvAca] Lord Krishna said - इदम् रूपम् मम [idam rUpam mama] This form of mine, यत् दृष्टवान् असि [yat dRSTavAn asi] which you’ve seen, सु दुर्दर्शम् [su durdarzam] is extremely difficult to see. देवा अपि [devA api] Even the virtuous नित्यम् [nityam] constantly काङ्क्षिणः [kAGkSiNaH] crave for दर्शन [darzana] a glimpse अस्य रूपस्य [asya rUpasya] of this form.

Lord Krishna told Arjuna - ‘You have seen this form of Mine - it stands as the controller of everything, it is the abode of everything and is the origin of everything. This form is extremely difficult to see, making it impossible for anyone to see it. Even the most virtuous people crave for a glimpse of this form, but they have not seen it.

Why is that so? The Lord answers that next -