
For Eternal Beginners

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मत्कर्म कृत् मत्परमो मद्भक्तः सङ्ग वर्जितः ।
निर्वैरः सर्व भूतेषु यः स मामेति पान्डव ॥ ५५ ॥

matkarma kRt matparamo madbhaktaH saGga varjitaH |
nirvairaH sarva bhUteSu yaH sa mAmeti pAnDava || 55 ||

पान्डव [pAnDava] Arjuna, यः [yaH] the person who मत् कर्म कृत् [mat karma kRt] dedicates all his actions to Me, मत् परमः [mat paramaH] with Me as the ultimate goal सङ्ग वर्जितः [saGga varjitaH] is without attachment . मद्भक्तः [madbhaktaH] He is My devotee. सर्व भूतेषु निर्वैरः [sarva bhUteSu nirvairaH] He doesn’t hate any being. सः [saH] Such a person माम् एति [mAm eti] achieves Me.

A true devotee of the Lord isn’t attached to anything other than the Lord, so doesn’t experience agitation.

A person who does all his work as My worship, including work such as the study of the scriptures, is a person who dedicates his actions to Me. To this person, I am the ultimate purpose in all endeavors and the ultimate goal.

In all actions, My devotee is a person who can sustain himself only by singing My praise, having My thoughts, worshiping Me and surrendering to Me. Such a person works with Me as the only objective - due to excessive affection towards Me.

Due to this single-minded affection towards Me, such a person will not tolerate attachment towards anything else - he is without attachment.

This person is without hatred towards any being - it is in his nature to feel content when he is with Me and feel sorrow when I am not in his thoughts. Due to this, he considers his own offences as the instrument that causes sorrow in him. In this way, the person would not consider any other being as the cause of his sorrow, hence wouldn’t have feelings of hatred towards anyone or anything.

The person who exists in this manner shall achieve Me - he attains Me in My true being. By getting rid of all ignorance and all flaws without a trace, he experiences Me alone.