
For Eternal Beginners

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इहैकस्थम् जगत् कृत्स्नम् पश्याद्य स चराचरम् ।
मम देहे गुडाकेश यत् च अन्यत् द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि ॥ ७ ॥

ihaikastham jagat kRtsnam pazyAdya sa carAcaram |
mama dehe guDAkeza yat ca anyat draSTum icchasi || 7 ||

गुडाकेश [guDAkeza] Arjuna, अद्य [adya] now पश्य [pazya] find कृत्स्नम् जगत् [kRtsnam jagat] the entire world - एकस्थम् [ekastham] in a region इह देहे [iha dehe] within this body - स चराचरम् [sa carAcaram] along with everything that moves everything that doesn’t. [ca] Further, see यत् अन्यत् [yat anyat] anything else द्रष्टुम् इच्छसि [draSTum icchasi] that you wish to see.

See the entire world within this body of Mine. A small part of this body holds all moving and stationary things. Look at anything else you wish to see within that very part of My body.