
For Eternal Beginners

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न तु माम् शक्ष्यसे द्रष्टुम् अनेनैव स्व चक्षुषा ।
दिव्यम् ददामि ते चक्षुः पश्य मे योगम् ऐश्वरम् ॥ ८ ॥

na tu mAm zakSyase draSTum anenaiva sva cakSuSA |
divyam dadAmi te cakSuH pazya me yogam aizvaram || 8 ||

तु [tu] However, न शक्ष्तसे [na zakStase] you are unable माम् द्रष्टुम् [mAm draSTum] to see Me अनेन चक्षुषा [anena cakSuSA] with these eyes स्व [sva] of yours एव [eva] alone. ददामि ते [dadAmi te] I will give you दिव्यम् चक्षुः [divyam cakSuH] divine sight; पश्य [pazya] See मम [mama] My योगम् [yogam] association with all favorable qualities, ऐश्वरम् [aizvaram] My splendor and power.

While I show the entire world in one part of My body, you are unable to see My limitless being, a form unlike anything else. These material eyes of yours can only grasp matter having limited boundaries.

I will give you divine sight - eyes that are beyond this material world, which enable you to see Me.

See My association with all favorable qualities, My splendor and power - See My unique association with qualities like infinite knowledge, infinite power and pervasive being.