
For Eternal Beginners

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सन्जय उवाच -
एवमुक्त्वा ततो राजन् महा योगेश्वरो हरिः ।
दर्शयामास पार्थाय परमम् रूपम् ऐश्वरम् ॥ ९ ॥

sanjaya uvAca -
evamuktvA tato rAjan mahA yogezvaro hariH |
darzayAmAsa pArthAya paramam rUpam aizvaram || 9 ||

सन्जय उवाच [sanjaya uvAca] Sanjaya narrated - ततो राजन् [tato rAjan] Then, my king, एवमुक्त्वा [evamuktvA] having said this, हरिः [hariH] Lord Krishna - महा योगेश्वरः [mahA yogezvaraH] who is the great Lord of yoga - दर्शयामास [darzayAmAsa] showed परमम् [paramam] the ultimate रूपम् [rUpam] beauty of His form ऐश्वरम् [aizvaram] and His pervasive might पार्थाय [pArthAya] for the sake of Arjuna.

Sanjaya narrated to Dhrtarashtra - Having said this, Lord Krishna, who had taken the responsibility of driving a chariot, who is the master of astonishing characteristics, who is none other than the Supreme Lord Narayana, showed the ultimate beauty that’s unique to Him. He showed it in all its pervasive might.

The Lord shows this for the sake of Arjuna, the son of Prtha, cousin on His mother’s side.

The Lord’s beautiful form is home to the entire universe with its huge diversity. It presides over everything. That form is as follows -