
For Eternal Beginners

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यस्मात् न उद्विजते लोकाः
लोकात् न उद्विजते च यः ।
हर्षामर्ष भयोद्वेगैः
मुक्तो यः स च मे प्रियः ॥ १५ ॥

yasmAt na udvijate lokAH
lokAt na udvijate ca yaH |
harSAmarSa bhayodvegaiH
mukto yaH sa ca me priyaH || 15 ||

यस्मात् [yasmAt] The person due to whom लोकाः [lokAH] people न उद्विजते [na udvijate] do not get agitated, यः [yaH] who न उद्विजते [na udvijate] doesn’t get agitated लोकात् [lokAt] by this world, यः मुक्तः [yaH muktaH] who is free हर्षामर्ष भय उद्वेगैः च [harSAmarSa bhaya udvegaiH ca] from ecstasy, anger, fear and agitation - स मे प्रियः [sa me priyaH] Such a person is dear to Me.

In this Shloka, the Lord describes another kind of person who is dear to Him-

The world does not get agitated when this person works without attachment , simply being the instrument in an action.

This person doesn’t do anything to distress others. This person does not get agitated by the world. The world, having determined that he does no harm to anyone, will not do anything to agitate him.

This comes from the belief that nothing is adverse- everything happens for My purpose. With this, he is free of ecstasy, anger, fear or agitation towards anyone. This type of person is also dear to Me.