For Eternal Beginners
समः शत्रौ च मित्रे च तथा मान अपमानयोः ।
शीतोष्ण सुख दुःखेषु समः सङ्ग विवर्जितः ॥ १८ ॥
तुल्य निन्दा स्तुतिः मौनी सन्तुष्टो येन केनचित् ।
अनिकेतः स्थिरमतिः भक्तिमान् मे प्रियो नरः ॥ १९ ॥
samaH zatrau ca mitre ca tathA mAna apamAnayoH |
zItoSNa sukha duHkheSu samaH saGga vivarjitaH || 18 ||
tulya nindA stutiH maunI santuSTo yena kenacit |
aniketaH sthiramatiH bhaktimAn me priyo naraH || 19 ||
Being unbiased मित्रे
among friendly शत्रौ च
[zatrau ca]
and unfriendly people, तथा
as well as मान
in fame अपमानयोः
and disgrace; सम
being consistent सुख दुःखेषु
[sukha duHkheSu]
in comfort and discomfort, शीतोष्ण
cold and heat; सङ्ग विवर्जितः
[saGga vivarjitaH]
being free of attachments;
तुल्य निन्दा स्तुतिः
[tulya nindA stutiH]
treating praise and reprimand in the same way, मौनी
being silent, येन केनचित् सन्तुष्टः
[yena kenacit santuSTaH]
satisfied with whatever comes his way, अनिकेतः
uninterested in establishing his residence and territory; स्थिरमतिः
being with conviction - भक्तिमान् नरः
[bhaktimAn naraH]
this devotee मे प्रियः
[me priyaH]
is dear to Me.
Starting with 12-13, The Lord described the virtues of leaving hatred towards enemies and attachment to friends, along with other characteristics of a devotee. Though redundant here, the Lord emphasizes the virtue of ‘being unbiased’, even when in the company of desire.
In this Shloka, the Lord states- A person who has firm conviction in the Self is not bound by needs – such as the need to ‘belong’ to a place of residence. By the same conviction, he is unbiased in situations of fame and disgrace. Such a devotee is dear to Me.
This Shloka described a person who has focus on the Self. Next, the Lord summarizes the superiority of a devotee over this person, just as He did at the beginning of this chapter.