
For Eternal Beginners

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अथ चित्तम् समाधातुम् न शक्नोषि मयि स्थिरम् ।
अभ्यास योगेन ततः मामिच्छाप्तुम् धनन्जय ॥ ९ ॥

atha cittam samAdhAtum na zaknoSi mayi sthiram |
abhyAsa yogena tataH mAmicchAptum dhananjaya || 9 ||

धनन्जय [dhananjaya] Arjuna, अथ [atha] in case न शक्नोषि [na zaknoSi] you are unable to समाधातुम् [samAdhAtum] contain and place चित्तम् [cittam] your mind स्थिरम् [sthiram] firmly मयि [mayi] in Me, ततः [tataH] then माम् आप्तुम् इच्छा [mAm Aptum icchA] be with the desire to reach Me अभ्यास योगेन [abhyAsa yogena] through repeated practice, by making it a habit.

You may not be able to settle your thoughts in Me consciously, right at the first attempt.

In that case, do it through repeated practice by making it a habit. Make it a habit to enjoy My thoughts. It’s an enjoyment born out of love.

Enjoy repeatedly, while thinking about My natural, unlimited, unbroken expanse of qualities. Think of My qualities such as being ever-amiable, friendly, adoring, compassionate, delightful, grand, generous, beautiful, brave, being the Lord and the reason for everything. Within Me lies valor and the ability to overwhelm anything. I have all knowledge. My desires and intentions are always realized. I repel all flaws.

Generate love towards the Lord with repeated practice. With this, you fix your thoughts in the Lord and shall be with the desire to achieve Him.