
For Eternal Beginners

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मयि च अनन्य योगेन भक्तिः अव्यभिचारिणे ।
विविक्त देश सेवित्वम् अरतिः जनसम्सदि ॥ १० ॥

mayi ca ananya yogena bhaktiH avyabhicAriNe |
vivikta deza sevitvam aratiH janasamsadi || 10 ||

मयि भक्तिः [mayi bhaktiH] With devotion in Me, अनन्य योगेन [ananya yogena] not bound to any other purpose; अव्यभिचारिणे [avyabhicAriNe] Without deviating to other goals and other sources of power; सेवित्वम् [sevitvam] Honoring विविक्त देश [vivikta deza] a place of solitude; अरतिः [aratiH] Being free of attachment जनसम्सदि [janasamsadi] in the company of many.

This Shloka speaks about the virtues of having unshakeable devotion in the Lord, being content in a place of solitude and being free of attachment in the company of many.