
For Eternal Beginners

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सर्वेन्द्रिय गुणाभासम् सर्वेन्द्रिय विवर्जितम् ।
असक्तम् सर्व भृत् चैव निर्गुणम् गुण भोक्तृ च ॥ १४ ॥

sarvendriya guNAbhAsam sarvendriya vivarjitam |
asaktam sarva bhRt caiva nirguNam guNa bhoktR ca || 14 ||

सर्वेन्द्रिय गुणाभासम् [sarvendriya guNAbhAsam] It gives all organs their specialty, सव्र्वेन्द्रिय विवर्जितम् [savrvendriya vivarjitam] yet remains distinct from all those organs. असक्तम् [asaktam] It is free of attachment, सर्व भृत् चैव [sarva bhRt caiva] while being capable of donning any body. निर्गुणम् [nirguNam] It is free of the three qualities , गुण भोक्तृ च [guNa bhoktR ca] while being capable of experiencing those qualities.

The Self is the one which illuminates all organs - these organs sense, act and are involved in an experience, only if a Self is associated with them.

The Self is capable of knowing even without the organs. When freed from the boundaries of the organs, the Self naturally knows everything.

By nature, the Self is not attached to any body - not also the body of a powerful god . Yet, the Self is capable of donning any body, as said in छान्दोग्य [chAndogya] , 7-16-2: ‘When the Self is liberated, it can take one form, three forms…’

The pure Self is naturally free of the three qualities . Yet, it is capable of experiencing the effects of those qualities.