
For Eternal Beginners

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य एनम् वेत्ति पुरुषम् प्रकृतिम् च गुणैः सह ।
सर्वथा वर्तमानोऽपि न स भूयः अभिजायते ॥ २३ ॥

ya enam vetti puruSam prakRtim ca guNaiH saha |
sarvathA vartamAno'pi na sa bhUyaH abhijAyate || 23 ||

यः [yaH] The person who वेत्ति [vetti] knows एनम् पुरुषम् [enam puruSam] this Self [ca] and प्रकृतिम् [prakRtim] the environment गुणैः सह [guNaiH saha] with its qualities - सः [saH] such a person भूयः न अभिजायते [bhUyaH na abhijAyate] will not be born again, अपि [api] even though सर्वथा वर्तमानः [sarvathA vartamAnaH] he has been in all kinds of bodies and has committed all kinds of actions.

This Self and its characteristics have been described. Its environment is the body. The characteristics of the body have also been described.

A person who knows both would have the ability to distinguish them in their actual form. He knows their characteristics along with the three qualities . Such a person will not be born again.

A person who distinguishes the Self gets disentangled.

Meaning, such a person doesn’t get entangled by attachments in the material world, though he may have been associated with power, greed and uncountable flaws in the past.

Such a person knows the characteristics of the Self. They are described next.

At the time of leaving the body, this person realizes the Self in the form of an unbroken expanse of knowledge, unspoilt by any flaw.