
For Eternal Beginners

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अन्ये त्वेवम् अजानन्तः श्रुत्वाऽन्येभ्य उपासते ।
तेऽपि चातितरन्ति एव मृत्युम् श्रुति परायणाः ॥ २५ ॥

anye tvevam ajAnantaH zrutvA'nyebhya upAsate |
te'pi cAtitaranti eva mRtyum zruti parAyaNAH || 25 ||

अन्ये तु [anye tu] Others एवम् अजानन्तः [evam ajAnantaH] do not know this. श्रुत्वा [zrutvA] They hear about it अन्येभ्यः [anyebhyaH] from various people उपासते [upAsate] and practice. ते [te] They अतितरन्ति एव [atitaranti eva] will certainly cross over मृत्युम् [mRtyum] the cycle of death and birth अपि च [api ca] as well, श्रुति परायणाः [zruti parAyaNAH] with strong belief in the scriptures they’ve heard.

There are others who do not study the scriptures. They don’t know about working without attachments and other methods to realize the Self.

They listen to people who know and show the way. They work without attachment, purely as worship to the Lord - they achieve the Self by these methods.

These people also realize the Self and overcome the cycle of death and birth. They consider what they have heard and learnt to be superior. By dedicating themselves to the methods they have learnt, they get rid of their flaws.

Then, they gradually start the practice of working without attachments . They overcome the cycle of death and re-birth as well - in addition to people who know and practice [ bhaktiyOga ], [ jnAnayOga ] and [ karmayOga ].

Next, the Lord states that all beings - moving and stationary - are a combination of conscious and non-conscious elements. He states this in order to describe how the Self and its environment can be distinguished.