
For Eternal Beginners

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यावत् सन्जायते किन्चित् सत्त्वम् स्थावर जङ्गमम् ।
क्षेत्र क्षेत्रज्ञ सम्योगात् तद्विद्धि भरतर्षभ ॥ २६ ॥

yAvat sanjAyate kincit sattvam sthAvara jaGgamam |
kSetra kSetrajJa samyogAt tadviddhi bharatarSabha || 26 ||

भरतर्षभ [bharatarSabha] Arjuna, यावत् [yAvat] whenever किन्चित् सत्त्वम् [kincit sattvam] anything जङ्गमम् [jaGgamam] moving स्थावर [sthAvara] or stationary सन्जायते [sanjAyate] comes into being, तत् विद्धि [tat viddhi] know that सम्योगात् [samyogAt] it is by an association of क्षेत्र [kSetra] a body formed from the environment क्षेत्रज्ञ [kSetrajJa] and the Self.

Whenever something comes into being – for instance a human, a moving animal or a stationary plant – know that they all come into being by an association of the body and the Self. They are all born with this association. Nothing comes into being with a separate Self and a separate body.

Of course, a liberated Self is separated from all bonds of the environment. They are eternal, they don’t ‘come into being’. This Shloka is only about those who are in the cycle of coming into being.