
For Eternal Beginners

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समम् पश्यन् हि सर्वत्र समवस्थितम् ईश्वरम् ।
न हिनस्ति आत्मना आत्मानम् ततो याति पराम् गतिम् ॥ २८ ॥

samam pazyan hi sarvatra samavasthitam Izvaram |
na hinasti AtmanA AtmAnam tato yAti parAm gatim || 28 ||

पश्यन् [pazyan] Seeing ईश्वरम् [Izvaram] the owner of the body, समवस्थितम् [samavasthitam] situated at the core of सर्वत्र [sarvatra] every being समम् [samam] in the same way, न हिनस्ति [na hinasti] he does not torture आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] the Self आत्मना [AtmanA] with his mind. ततः [tataH] That’s why यान्ति हि [yAnti hi] he will certainly reach पराम् गतिम् [parAm gatim] the ultimate goal .

In every being - whether animal, an ordinary human or a powerful person - a Self is present as its owner, forming the basis for the existence of the being.

A person who sees the Self in everyone as equal - having unbounded awareness as its only true form, irrespective of the kind of body it owns - such a person does not torture the Self in himself with the mind. Meaning, he frees the Self from this material world, using his mind.

In this way, by seeing the Self as pure awareness, being equal in all, he realizes the true nature of the Self and reaches the ultimate goal .

On the other hand, a person who sees the Self as being different because it’s associated with different beings will throw his Self into the depths of the material world. In this way he tortures himself.