
For Eternal Beginners

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प्रकृत्यैव च कर्माणि क्रियमाणानि सर्वशः ।
यः पश्यति तथा आत्मानम् अकर्तारम् स पश्यति ॥ २९ ॥

prakRtyaiva ca karmANi kriyamANAni sarvazaH |
yaH pazyati tathA AtmAnam akartAram sa pazyati || 29 ||

[ca] Further, यः पश्यति [yaH pazyati] the person who sees that कर्माणि [karmANi] activities सर्वशः क्रियमाणानि [sarvazaH kriyamANAni] universally happen प्रकृत्या एव [prakRtyA eva] by the environment alone, तथा [tathA] will infer that आत्मानम् [AtmAnam] the Self अकर्तारम् [akartAram] doesn’t make anything happen. सः पश्यति [saH pazyati] Such a person sees the Self in its true form.

Universally, all activities carried out are a result of happenings in the environment, soaked in its three qualities . This was said already in 13-20: ‘The material environment is said to be the cause of the transactions of the body, the organs and the mind’.

The person who sees that all activities are a result of the body and the environment will see the Self as pure awareness. He doesn’t see it as the one who carries out the work. Such a person is aware of the Self and sees it in true form.

This person knows that his ignorance comes out of past deeds. He also knows this ignorance to be responsible for his bond with the environment, being bound inside a body and in experiences of comfort and sorrow.

If the Self does not carry out actions as described here, what does it do? Look back at 13-20 for a description of what the Self does.