
For Eternal Beginners

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तत् क्षेत्रम् यत् च यादृक् च यत् विकारी यतः च यत् ।
स च यो यत् प्रभावः च तत् समासेन मे शृणु ॥ ३ ॥

tat kSetram yat ca yAdRk ca yat vikArI yataH ca yat |
sa ca yo yat prabhAvaH ca tat samAsena me zRNu || 3 ||

तत् क्षेत्रम् [tat kSetram] That field of action - यत् च [yat ca] What is it made up of? यादृक् [yAdRk] What are its characteristics? यत् विकारी [yat vikArI] What are its changes? यतः च [yataH ca] What is its origin? यत् [yat] What is its form? स च [sa ca] Then we talked about the knower of the field - यः [yaH] What is his form? यत् प्रभावः च [yat prabhAvaH ca] What is his scope of influence? तत् मे शृणु [tat me zRNu] Listen to it from Me समासेन [samAsena] in summary.

Our body is our field of action . What material is it made of? What does it host? What are its changes? What is the cause, due to which it is created? What is its purpose? What is the form of this body?

Who is the knower of the body - who is the Self? What is the form of this Self? What is the scope of influence of the Self - what is the extent of its control? Listen to this summary from Me, says the Lord.