
For Eternal Beginners

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यदा भूत पृथक् भावम् एकस्थम् अनुपश्यति ।
तत एव च विस्तारम् ब्रह्म सम्पद्यते तदा ॥ ३० ॥

yadA bhUta pRthak bhAvam ekastham anupazyati |
tata eva ca vistAram brahma sampadyate tadA || 30 ||

यदा [yadA] When अनुपश्यति [anupazyati] he recognizes that भावम् [bhAvam] the intuition पृथक् [pRthak] of separate भूत [bhUta] bodies एकस्थम् [ekastham] is actually part of one environment [ca] and sees that विस्तारम् [vistAram] the expanse of variety ततः एव [tataH eva] comes from the same, तदा [tadA] then, सम्पद्यते [sampadyate] he earns ब्रह्म [brahma] the Self.

Each being in this world is a combination of the environment and the Self. This is true of everyone, from the most powerful to the least, human or otherwise. The beings of this world exhibit a wide variety of character such as powerful and ordinary, big and small.

When a person sees all these visible characteristics as part of a single entity - the environment, when he sees his succession of children and grandchildren as an effect of that environment itself, he gains the Self immediately. He sees the Self as an unbroken expanse of pure awareness.