
For Eternal Beginners

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अनादित्वात् निर्गुणत्वात् परमात्मा अयम् अव्ययः ।
शरीरस्थः अपि कौन्तेय न करोति न लिप्यते ॥ ३१ ॥

anAditvAt nirguNatvAt paramAtmA ayam avyayaH |
zarIrasthaH api kaunteya na karoti na lipyate || 31 ||

अनादित्वात् [anAditvAt] By being without a beginning निर्गुणत्वात् [nirguNatvAt] and without the three qualities , अयम् परमात्मा [ayam paramAtmA] this supreme essence अव्ययः [avyayaH] doesn’t wear out. कौन्तेय [kaunteya] Arjuna, शरीरस्थः अपि [zarIrasthaH api] though the Self is situated in the body, न करोति [na karoti] it does not make anything happen , न लिप्यते [na lipyate] it doesn’t get stuck.

This Self is the supreme owner of the body and mind. It has been described as being separate from the body, with entirely separate characteristics.

Even though the Self is inside the body, it does not wear out and perish. To start with, it has no beginning. It does not have the three qualities in its nature; hence it does not make anything happen in the environment.

The Self isn’t affected by anything that happens in the body or the rest of the environment – those happenings do not stick to the Self or alter its characteristics.

The question now is- ‘This Shloka states that the Self does not make anything happen, since it isn’t made up of the three qualities . Yet, it is constantly associated with the environment and a body. Still, the characteristics of the body don’t stick to it. How come?’

This question is answered next.