
For Eternal Beginners

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अमानित्वम् अदम्भित्वम् अहिंसा क्षान्तिः आर्जवम् ।
आचार्य उपासनम् शौचम् स्थैर्यम् आत्म विनिग्रहम् ॥ ७ ॥

amAnitvam adambhitvam ahiMsA kSAntiH Arjavam |
AcArya upAsanam zaucam sthairyam Atma vinigraham || 7 ||

अमानित्वम् [amAnitvam] Without a sense of superiority, अदम्भित्वम् [adambhitvam] without hypocrisy, अहिंसा [ahiMsA] with no intention to harm anyone, क्षान्तिः [kSAntiH] being without agitation आर्जवम् [Arjavam] with consistency in thought, speech and deed, आचार्य उपासनम् [AcArya upAsanam] with respect and adoration for the teacher, शौचम् [zaucam] with cleanliness, स्थैर्यम् [sthairyam] being steadfast, आत्म विनिग्रहम् [Atma vinigraham] with self-discipline.

Let’s now examine each of the virtues mentioned in this Shloka, which go with Self-realization.

Being ‘without a sense of superiority’ is about being without disrespect towards great people;

Being ‘without hypocrisy’ - hypocrisy is when the path of duty is followed for the sake of gaining fame. This is about being free from the goal of achieving fame;

Having no intention to harm anyone, either through speech, deeds or thought;

‘Being without agitation’ is about having an unchanged attitude towards those who trouble and provoke;

‘Consistency in thought, speech and deed’ - saying what we intend, doing what we say;

‘Respect and adoration towards the teacher’ is about committing to respect, inquire and serve a teacher who bestows Self-awareness;

‘Cleanliness’ is the awareness of the Self - keeping the body, mind and speech fit to achieve that awareness;

Being ‘steadfast’ in the quest for the knowledge of the Self;

‘Self-discipline’ is to restrain the organs from subjects that are opposed to the awareness of the Self.