
For Eternal Beginners

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उदासीनवत् आसीनो गुणैर्यो न विचाल्यते ।
गुणा वर्तन्त इत्येव योऽवतिष्ठति नेंगते ॥ २३ ॥

udAsInavat AsIno guNairyo na vicAlyate |
guNA vartanta ityeva yo'vatiSThati neMgate || 23 ||

यः न विचाल्यते [yaH na vicAlyate] The person who is not thrown around गुणैः [guNaiH] by the three qualities , यो अवतिष्ठति [yo avatiSThati] who stays his course नेंगते [neMgate] isn’t shaken. आसीनः [AsInaH] He remains उदासीनवत् [udAsInavat] as if inert, इति [iti] considering that गुणाः वर्तन्त एव [guNAH vartanta eva] these qualities would keep manifesting as their effects.

Self-awareness is an enabler to step over the three qualities.

This person is content, being aware of his Self - the Self is distinct from the three qualities . That’s how he remains as inert, unmoved by those qualities. Such a person isn’t thrown around by feelings of agitation or longing towards their effects. Considering that these qualities keep making their effects happen, he remains quiet. This person is not shaken - he does not dance to their effects.