
For Eternal Beginners

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माम् च योऽव्यभिचारेण भक्तियोगेन सेवते ।
स गुणान् समतीत्येतान् ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ॥ २६ ॥

mAm ca yo'vyabhicAreNa bhaktiyogena sevate |
sa guNAn samatItyetAn brahmabhUyAya kalpate || 26 ||

यः च [yaH ca] And the person who माम् सेवते [mAm sevate] serves and experiences Me अव्यभिचारेण [avyabhicAreNa] with constant भक्तियोगेन [bhaktiyogena] devotion सः समतीत्य एतानि [saH samatItya etAni] will completely overcome these qualities . कल्पते [kalpate] He is cut out ब्रह्मभूयाय [brahmabhUyAya] to experience the Self in its true form.

The method of distinguishing the body from the Self was described starting with 14-19, ‘When the person realizes that the three qualities make things happen, not the Self, nothing else…’.

The three qualities can only be overcome by surrendering to the Lord with devotion.

Just by knowing the distinction and thinking about the Self and the body, a person doesn’t earn the right to cross over the three qualities . He is still checked by the undesirable influence of past deeds – an influence that has lingered from beginning-less time.

In this Shloka, the Lord says - ‘I am the One whose every intent is realized. I am the One with unsurpassed compassion, an ocean of affection to those who surrender to Me. The qualities are difficult to overcome. A person crosses over them when he serves and experiences Me with constant devotion – a devotion that’s distinguished by its unwavering focus on one goal. This person is cut out to experience the Self - he becomes fit to realize the Self.

Meaning, he achieves the Self in its true form, indestructible and inexhaustible.