
For Eternal Beginners

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उत्क्रामन्तम् स्थितम् वाऽपि भुन्जानम् वा गुणान्वितम् ।
विमूढा नानुपश्यन्ति पश्यन्ति ज्ञान चक्षुषाः ॥ १० ॥

utkrAmantam sthitam vA'pi bhunjAnam vA guNAnvitam |
vimUDhA nAnupazyanti pazyanti jJAna cakSuSAH || 10 ||

विमूढा [vimUDhA] The ignorant न अनुपश्यन्ति [na anupazyanti] do not recognize उत्क्रामन्तम् [utkrAmantam] the Self when it departs from the body, स्थितम् वा [sthitam vA] or when it is situated in their own body, भुन्जानम् च [bhunjAnam ca] or even when it’s experiencing the material world, गुणान्वितम् वा [guNAnvitam vA] when it is bound in the three qualities . ज्ञान चक्षुषाः [jJAna cakSuSAH] Those endowed with the eyes of knowledge पश्यन्ति [pazyanti] do see it.

People who are ignorant do not recognize the Self in the form of pure knowledge, distinct from the flesh that constitutes a human form. They do not notice it in any circumstance - They don’t recognize the Self when it is born in flesh - in human form or any another form. These forms are made out of the material world, full of the three qualities .

They do not notice it when it has departed from a specific body or even when it is situated inside a body. They don’t even recognize it when it’s experiencing the stimuli in the environment, which are again full of the three qualities . Ignorant people are conceit in the opinion that the flesh, in the form of their body, is their ‘Self’.

People with the eyes of knowledge definitely discern the flesh from the Self. They recognize the Self as being distinct from the body, in every state.