
For Eternal Beginners

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यत् आदित्यगतम् तेजो जगत् भासयतेऽखिलम् ।
यत् चन्द्रमसि यत् चाग्नौ तत् तेजो विद्धि मामकम् ॥ १२ ॥

yat Adityagatam tejo jagat bhAsayate'khilam |
yat candramasi yat cAgnau tat tejo viddhi mAmakam || 12 ||

विद्धि [viddhi] Know that तेजः [tejaH] the brilliance आदित्य गतम् [Aditya gatam] that comes from the Sun, यत् भासयते [yat bhAsayate] which illuminates अखिलम् जगत् [akhilam jagat] the entire universe, यत् [yat] the luster चन्द्रमसि [candramasi] that comes from the moon, यत् च [yat ca] even the light अग्नौ [agnau] that comes from fire - तत् तेजः [tat tejaH] that light मामकम् [mAmakam] is mine.

The Lord states: ‘The brilliance of the stars, which illuminate the entire universe, as also the brilliance of other sources of light is My brilliance. I gave them their brilliance based on their worship and intent’.

Next, the Lord talks about the earth, which supports the existence of all its beings. He states ‘This ability of the earth to sustain is My ability’.