
For Eternal Beginners

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यो माम् एवम् असम्मूढः जानाति पुरुषोत्तमम् ।
स सर्ववित् भजति माम् सर्वभावेन भारत ॥ १९ ॥

yo mAm evam asammUDhaH jAnAti puruSottamam |
sa sarvavit bhajati mAm sarvabhAvena bhArata || 19 ||

भारत [bhArata] Arjuna, यो [yo] the person who जानाति [jAnAti] knows माम् [mAm] Me पुरुषोत्तमम् [puruSottamam] as the Supreme Person एवम् [evam] in this way असम्मूढः [asammUDhaH] without any doubts in mind - सः [saH] such a person सर्ववित् [sarvavit] knows everything माम् भजति [mAm bhajati] and worships Me सर्वभावेन [sarvabhAvena] with all emotions.

The Lord says in this Shloka - ‘The person who knows Me as the Supreme Person, without any doubts or suspicion’. What’s the Supreme Person like?

The Supreme Person was described as being distinct from all that’s perishable and imperishable. This distinction comes from the characteristics of never wearing out, pervading everything, supporting everything and controlling everything.

So, the Lord says – ‘The Person who knows Me as the Supreme Person knows everything - he knows all about the means to achieve Me’.

In this Shloka, The Lord also says - ‘This person worships Me with all emotions’.

To achieve me, this person worships Me by all known means of worship. The affection I get by knowing everything about Me and the affection I get by chanting everything about Me – both these affections are born to Me, by worshipping Me as the Supreme Person.

Next, the Lord praises His realization as the Supreme Person.