
For Eternal Beginners

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इति गुह्यतमम् शास्त्रम् इदम् उक्तम् मया अनघ ।
एतत् बुद्ध्वा बुद्धिमान् स्यात् कृत कृत्यः च भारत ॥ २० ॥

iti guhyatamam zAstram idam uktam mayA anagha |
etat buddhvA buddhimAn syAt kRta kRtyaH ca bhArata || 20 ||

अनघ भारत [anagha bhArata] Flawless Arjuna, इति [iti] in this way, इदम् शास्त्रम् [idam zAstram] this knowledge, गुह्यतमम् [guhyatamam] which is supremely concealed, उक्तम् [uktam] has been spelt out मया [mayA] by Me. एतत् बुद्ध्वा [etat buddhvA] Knowing this, बुद्धिमान् [buddhimAn] you are endowed with intellect च कृत कृत्यः स्यात् [ca kRta kRtyaH syAt] and shall have done everything there is to do.

This knowledge, which brings forth My superiority, is concealed even among everything that’s concealed. I consider you to be flawless and most deserving; hence I revealed it to you.

The Lord goes on to state - ‘Knowing this, you are endowed with intellect and shall have done everything there is to do’. Meaning - By knowing My superiority, you have acquired all the intellect that’s required by anyone to achieve Me. You have already done everything that must be done for this purpose.

The knowledge of the Supreme Person told in this Shloka is present in the scriptures and brings everything that was told - though it’s not a realization of the Lord.