
For Eternal Beginners

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15-3 second part and 15-4 first part

अश्वत्थम् एनम् सविरूढमूलम्
असङ्ग शस्त्रेण दृढेन छित्वा ॥ ३ ॥
ततः पदम् तत् परिमार्गितव्यम्
यस्मिन् गता न निवर्तन्ति भूयः ।

azvattham enam savirUDhamUlam
asaGga zastreNa dRDhena chitvA || 3 ||
tataH padam tat parimArgitavyam
yasmin gatA na nivartanti bhUyaH |

छित्वा [chitvA] Having cut off एनम् अश्वत्थम् [enam azvattham] this pepal tree सविरूढमूलम् [savirUDhamUlam] with its overgrown roots असङ्ग शस्त्रेण [asaGga zastreNa] using the weapon of decoupling दृढेन [dRDhena] and strength, ततः तत् पदम् [tataH tat padam] that goal परिमार्गितव्यम् [parimArgitavyam] is to be sought - यस्मिन् गताः [yasmin gatAH] the state from which न निवर्तन्ति भूयः [na nivartanti bhUyaH] people do not return anymore.

This pepal tree , which was described before, is famous for its numerous well-grown roots and shoots. By knowing it, a person uses the ‘weapon of decoupling’ to cut free of their grip. ‘Decoupling’ is to leave attachment to experiences that are loaded with material qualities .

He well and truly cuts free with firm perseverance.

Then, with the Self being free from the stimuli of the environment, he must seek that permanent goal, entering which people don’t return anymore.

How can we get away from our in-built attachment to experience materials and their qualities ? These attachments have been with us since beginning-less time . The misconception that the body is the Self gives rise to such attachments. How do we rid ourselves of this misconception? The Lord explains next -