
For Eternal Beginners

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निर्मानमोहा जित संगदोषाः
अध्यात्मनित्या विनिवृत्त कामाः ।
द्वन्द्वैः विमुक्ताः सुख दुःख संज्ञैः
गच्छन्ति अमूढाः पदम् अव्ययम् तत् ॥ ५ ॥

nirmAnamohA jita saMgadoSAH
adhyAtmanityA vinivRtta kAmAH |
dvandvaiH vimuktAH sukha duHkha saMjJaiH
gacchanti amUDhAH padam avyayam tat || 5 ||

अमूढाः [amUDhAH] Those who are free of ignorance, निर्मानमोहाः [nirmAnamohAH] those who are free of the illusion that the body is the Self, जित संगदोषाः [jita saMgadoSAH] those who have won over the flaw of attachments, अध्यात्मनित्याः [adhyAtmanityAH] those who are constantly situated in the knowledge of the Self, विनिवृत्त कामाः [vinivRtta kAmAH] those who have rid themselves of desire, द्वन्द्वैः विमुक्ताः [dvandvaiH vimuktAH] those who are free from dualities सुख दुःख संज्ञैः [sukha duHkha saMjJaiH] that people call comfort and sorrow - तत् अव्ययम् पदम् गच्छन्ति [tat avyayam padam gacchanti] they go to the place that never withers.

In this way, those who surrender to Me are free of the illusion that the body is the Self.

They overcome the flaw of attachment to material experiences, which are full of the three qualities . They are situated in the knowledge of the Self constantly. They are free of all desires, other than the desire to achieve the Lord. They are free from the pulls of opposing-pairs, which people call comfort and sorrow.

They distinguish the Self and the environment in their individual forms. They reach the place that never withers - they attain the Self in its true form, as the limitless expanse of knowledge.

All these behaviors are easily achieved by My grace alone. Those who surrender to Me achieve this in their journey to reach the supreme goal .